Mahalam Kalan is a village which is situated in Union Council no 20 (Fatoohi Wala), Tehsil & District Kasur, Province Punjab, Pakistan. Its surrounding villages are Rajiwala, Bhedian Kalan, Ganda Singh Wala and Sanda Nizam. It is located about 13 Km southeast of Kasur. Area of Mahalam Kalan comprises of 1628 Acres of land. This village has been provided electricity but natural gas facility is not available in it. Its latitude is 31.05503° or 31° 3′ 18″ north, while its longitude is 74.54354° or 74° 32′ 37″ east.
محالم کلاں ایک گاؤں ہے جو یونین کونسل نمبر 20 (فتوہی والا)، تحصیل اور ضلع قصور، صوبہ پنجاب، پاکستان میں واقع ہے۔ اس کے آس پاس کے گاؤں راجی والا، بھیڈیاں کلاں، گنڈا سنگھ والا اور ساندہ نظام ہیں۔ یہ قصور سے تقریباً 13 کلومیٹر جنوب مشرق میں واقع ہے۔ محالم کلاں کا رقبہ 1628 ایکڑ اراضی پر مشتمل ہے۔ اس گاؤں کو بجلی فراہم کی گئی ہے لیکن اس میں قدرتی گیس کی سہولت دستیاب نہیں ہے۔ اس کا عرض بلد 31.05503° یا 31° 3′ 18″ شمال ہے، جبکہ اس کا طول البلد 74.54354° یا 74° 32′ 37″ مشرق ہے۔
Population & Literacy Rate of Mahalam Kalan:
According to 2017 census, population of Mahalam Kalan is 5481, of which 2777 persons are male, while 2704 are females. Literacy rate of this village is 67.67 percent. Male literacy rate is 73.8 percent, while female literacy rate is 61.4 percent.
Schools in Mahalam Kalan:
There are following Government Schools in this town:
- Govt High School (GHS). Its EMIS code is 35120028. It was established in the year 18841 as a Primary School. Later on it was upgraded to Middle School in 1926. Its area is 22 Kanals and 12 Marla.
- Govt. Girls High School. Its EMIS code is 35120146. It was established in 1953 and spans over an area of 6 Kanals and 7 Marla.
Health Center:
There is one Rural Dispensary in Mahalam Kalan.