Ganda Singh Wala

Ganda Singh Wala is a village which is situated in union council no 21 (Sanda Chistana), Teshil and District Kasur, Province Punjab, Pakistan. Its surrounding villages are Fatuhi wala, Burj Kalan, SandaChistana, Mahalam and Bhedian Kalan. It is located 10 kilometers southeast of Kasur city. Ganda Singh Wala village is named after a decorated soldier of British Indian Army, Sardar Bahadur Risaldar Major Ganda Singh Dutt.1 In this article you will find information about Ganda Singh Border and village.

Area of this village including its agriculture land is 1878 Acres. There is one Police station in Ganda Singh Wala. This area is very close to Sutlej river and is prone to flooding. In August 2023, this area witnessed high flood. Electricity has been provided to this settlement. Its latitude is 31.03835° or 31° 2′ 18″ north, while its longitude is 74.51836° or 74° 31′ 6″ east.

گنڈا سنگھ والا ایک گاؤں ہے جو کہ یونین کونسل نمبر 21 (ساندہ چستانہ)، تحصیل اور ضلع قصور، صوبہ پنجاب، پاکستان میں واقع ہے۔ اس کے آس پاس کے دیہات فتوہی والا، برج کلاں، ساندہ چستانہ، مہا لم کلاں اور بھیڈیاں کلاں ہیں۔ یہ قصور شہر سے 10 کلومیٹر جنوب مشرق میں واقع ہے۔ گنڈا سنگھ والا گاؤں کا نام برطانوی ہندوستانی فوج کے ایک سپاہی سردار بہادر رسالدار میجر گنڈا سنگھ دت کے نام پر رکھا گیا ہے۔ اس گاؤں کا رقبہ بشمول اس کی زرعی اراضی 1878 ایکڑ ہے۔ گنڈا سنگھ والا میں ایک تھانہ ہے۔ یہ علاقہ دریائے ستلج کے بہت قریب ہے۔ اگست 2023 میں، اس علاقے میں اونچے درجے کے سیلاب آیا۔

Population & Literacy rate of Ganda Singh Wala:

According to 2017 census, population of this village comprises of 1407 persons, of which 710 persons are male and 697 are females. Its literacy rate is very low i.e 38.3 percent. Male literacy rate is 44.2 percent, while literacy rate among females is 32.3 percent.2


There is one Govt. Higher Secondary School (GHSS) in this hamlet. Its EMIS code is 35120038. It was established in 1955 and spans over an area of 45 Kanal of land.3

GHSS Ganda Singh Wala

Health Center:

There is one rural health center (RHC) in Ganda Singh Wala which lies about 700 meters northwest of this settlement.

Ganda Singh Border:

Ganda Singh Wala border crossing lies about 5 Km southeast of this village and 16 km from Kasur city. This border crossing was functional in past but now it is closed since 19864. There is a daily flag lowering ceremony held at this place by Pakistani Rangers guards and Indian Border Security Force officials. Several people from both sides of border witness this ceremony which is held on daily basis between 5 to 6 pm.

Visitors from both countries are seated close to each other and it provides a spectacular view of this ceremony. On Pakistani side, this check post is also known as colonel Ghulam Hussain Shaheed Joint Check Post.5 On the other side of border, Indian city of Ferozpur is located which is about 10 km from this border crossing.

Location | Map Of Village:

Location | Map Of Ganda Singh Border Crossing:

  1. Spiritual relation of Ganda Singhwala and Hussainiwala. ↩︎
  2. Census 2017 District kasur ↩︎
  3. Punjab school portal ↩︎
  4. Important places of Kasur ↩︎
  5. JCP GandaSingh/Hussainiwala ↩︎