Fattuhi Wala is a village which is situated in Union Council No 20 (Fattuhi Wala), Tehsil & District Kasur, Province Punjab, Pakistan. It is also spelled as “Fatuhi Wala” and “Fatoohi Wala”. Its surrounding villages are Sanda Nizam, Ganda Singh Wala and Kujjian Wala. It is located about 11 Km southeast of Kasur city. Its area is 1098 Acres including surrounding agriculture land. Electricity has been provided to this village. Its latitude is 31.02587° or 31° 1′ 33″ north, while its longitude is 74.52334° or 74° 31′ 24″ east.
فتوہی والا ایک گاؤں ہے جو یونین کونسل نمبر 20 (فتوہی والا)، تحصیل اور ضلع قصور، صوبہ پنجاب، پاکستان میں واقع ہے۔ اس کے آس پاس کے گاؤں ساندہ نظام، گنڈا سنگھ والا اور کجیاں والا ہیں۔ یہ قصور شہر سے تقریباً 11 کلومیٹر جنوب مشرق میں واقع ہے۔ اس کا رقبہ 1098 ایکڑ ہے۔ اس کا عرض بلد 31.02587° یا 31° 1′ 33″ شمال ہے، جبکہ اس کا طول البلد 74.52334° یا 74° 31′ 24″ مشرق ہے۔

Population & Literacy rate of Fattuhi Wala:
According to 2017 census, population of Fattuhi Wala comprises of 2971 persons, of which 1563 are males, while 1408 are females. Literacy rate of this village is 66.29 percent. Male literacy rate is 73.26 percent, while literacy rate among females is 58.31 percent.
Schools in Fattuhi Wala:
There are following Government Schools in this village.
- Govt. Girls High School (GGHS). Its EMIS code is 35120145. It was established in 1967 as a primary school. It spans over an area of 3 Kanals 16 Marla.
- Govt. Primary School (GPS). Its EMIS code is 35120349. It was established in 1964. It spans over an area of 5 Kanals 2 Marla.

Health Center:
There is no rural health center or basic health unit in this town. Nearest rural health center RHC is located about 3 Km northwest.