Vehgal village is situated in Union Council no 06 (Ibrahim Abad), Tehsil & District Kasur, Province Punjab, Pakistan. It is also spelled as “Veihgal, ” “Waigal” and “Wegal”. This village is also called as Salar Nagar It lies on the bank of Bamban Wali Ravi Bedian (BRB) canal. Its surrounding villages are Leel, Ibrahim Abad, Amrik singh wala and Theh Wadana. Its area is 2659 Acres.
It comes in National Assembly constituency NA-137 and Provincial Assembly constituency PP-175. This village is very close to Pakistan India border. Vehgal is situated in north of kasur city. Distance between Vehgal and kasur city is about 19 kilometers. Electricity has been provided to this village. Its latitude is 31.25689° or 31° 15′ 25″ north, while its longitude is 74.50067° or 74° 30′ 2″ east.
ویہگل گاؤں یونین کونسل نمبر 06 (ابراہیم آباد)، تحصیل اور ضلع قصور، صوبہ پنجاب، پاکستان میں واقع ہے۔ یہ بمباں والی راوی بیدیاں بی آر بی نہر کے کنارے پر واقع ہے۔ اس کے آس پاس کے گاؤں لیل، ابراہیم آباد، امرک سنگھ والا اور تھہ وڈانہ ہیں۔ یہ قومی اسمبلی کے حلقہ این اے 137 اور صوبائی اسمبلی کے حلقہ پی پی 175 میں آتا ہے۔ یہ پاک بھارت سرحد کے بہت قریب ہے۔ ویہگل قصور شہر کے شمال میں واقع ہے۔ ویہگل اور قصور شہر کے درمیان فاصلہ تقریباً 19 کلومیٹر ہے۔ اس گاؤں کو بجلی فراہم کی گئی ہے۔ اس کا عرض بلد 31.25689° یا 31° 15′ 25″ شمال ہے، جبکہ اس کا طول البلد 74.50067° یا 74° 30′ 2″ مشرق ہے۔

Population of Vehgal: ویہگل کی آبادی
Population of Vehgal village comprises of about 6476 individuals as per 2017 census. Out of total population, 3357 persons are male, while 3119 are females. Its literacy rate is 74 percent. Male literacy rate is 77.1 percent while literacy rate among females is 70.6 percent.
Schools in Vehgal: ویہگل میں اسکول
Following schools are situated in Vehgal/Waigal:
- Government high school GHS. Its EMIS code is 35120018.
- City view model high school. It is a private school.

Water supply: گاؤں میں پانی کی فراہمی
There is one Government water tank in this village through which drinking water is supplied to its different parts.

Old Structures in Vehgal: ویہگل میں پرانے ڈھانچے
There are few quite old buildings in this village which shows that this settlement is in existence since long.

Health Center: مرکز صحت
There is no health facility in Wehgal. Nearest Basic health unit is located in Sarhali Kalan about 5 kilometers in west.
Fuel Station: پٹرول پمپ
There is a petrol pump in Wegal through which people of this area can easily get the fuel tanks of their vehicles refilled without going to far flung areas for this purpose.